WES Digital Badges

You can now share the results of your credential evaluation report with anyone in the world, instantly. The WES Digital Badge can be displayed online for maximum visibility and recognition. This means that employers can access your report anytime, online, with just one click!

Plus, it’s free—thanks to our partnership with Credly’s Acclaim, a leading digital credential service provider.

Note: Digital badges are available only to applicants who order the International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) from WES. Learn more about the benefits of ICAP.

Watch the videos below to learn how you can make the most of your WES Digital Badge.

Example of WES Digital Badge on laptop

Benefits for Applicants

Eye icon

Securely display your verified credentials online

Ribbon icon

Share your badge on your résumé and LinkedIn

Office building icon

Stand out to employers in the U.S. and Canada

Benefits for Employers

Bullseye icon

Get one-click verification of an international candidate’s qualifications

Time and money icon

Reduce costs and inconvenience of background checks

Finder and Search icon

Expedite the hiring process, while enabling sound hiring decisions

How to Claim Your Badge

When your credential evaluation is complete, WES will email you with an invitation to claim your WES Digital Badge. First, you must join the program using the links provided. Within 24 hours, you will receive a second email from Credly’s Acclaim (our trusted partner). This email will provide instructions for claiming your badge and displaying it online. Watch this video to learn more!

How to Share Your Badge

Here are a few places where you can share your WES Digital Badge: in your email signature, on your digital résumé, and on social media (for example, you can add it to your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter profiles). Adding your badge to LinkedIn is an important way to connect with prospective employers. It will help them understand your past academic achievements. Watch this video to learn how to display your badge on LinkedIn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your WES Digital Badge allows you to easily share your academic achievements online, in real time. Badges provide verification of your past academic accomplishments. They can be securely shared on the internet (through channels such as email and social media).

You will also gain access to labor market insights, based on your skills, from Credly’s Acclaim. Once you have created an account and claimed your badge, you can apply for jobs through the Credly’s Acclaim Platform.

If you meet all of the following criteria, you will receive a WES Digital Badge:

  • You purchase the WES ICAP evaluation
  • You have a completed degree
  • You earned your degree from an accredited or recognized institution

Follow these steps to claim your badge:

  • Once your credential evaluation is complete, you will receive an email notification from World Education Services asking you to “Claim Your Badge.”
  • Within 24 hours, you will receive an email from Credly’s Acclaim.
  • Click the “Accept” button in the email.
  • Create an account on the Credly’s Acclaim website.
  • Accept your badge.
  • Start sharing!

You can easily share your badge on your digital résumé. We also encourage you to add it to your social media profiles, such as LinkedIn. You can email a direct link to your badge. Another option is to add your badge to your email signature or professional website. View the instructions for sharing your badge.

Currently, the badge is only available to new applicants who choose ICAP. However, WES plans to make its digital badges available to former applicants soon.