Tag: Job Skills

Why Is My Employer Asking for a Credential Evaluation?

If you’re seeking a job in the United States or Canada, but earned your degree in another country, there is a good chance that you will need a credential evaluation.  That’s because employers might find it difficult to validate your academic documents (which is important for them to mitigate risk). And they might not understand […]

Will Going Back to School in Canada Help Your Career?

Have you been thinking about going back to school in Canada? If you recently settled into your new life in Canada, but you’re having trouble taking your career to the next level, then you might need to acquire new skills or earn additional credentials. Know Your Academic Standing Want to verify your international credentials in […]

Networking for Newcomers in Times of Physical Distancing

One essential piece of advice for immigrants is to build a network in their new home countries. When you develop professional contacts, socialize with neighbors, and make friends, you begin to absorb cultural information and mutually exchange ideas. Establishing a network will help you feel more comfortable and happier in your new environment. It can […]

9 Tips for Effectively Working from Home

Working in a new environment, outside of the structure and familiarity of the office, can be a challenge. You may need to adopt new routines or come up with different ways of achieving work-life balance when working remotely. We asked our team at WES to share some of their advice on how to stay productive […]

How Upgrading Your Skills Improves Your Career Prospects

Learning new skills is one of the best ways to become more successful in your career. Whether you are looking for a new career opportunity or would like to move into a more senior role, upgrading your skills can increase your chances of reaching your career goals. In most professions, upgrading your skills is highly […]

Frustrated by OPT? Explore These Work Visas, Instead!

If you are about to graduate from a college or university in the United States, congratulations! Your future looks bright. All you need now is a little work experience. For many international students, this means obtaining Optional Practical Training (OPT). But are you certain that OPT is the best option for you? What happens afterward? […]

What Services Do Settlement Agencies Provide in Canada?

Immigrant Serving Organizations (ISO), commonly known as settlement or employment agencies, offer a wide range of support services. Their goal is to help newcomers integrate and find suitable jobs in Canada. Why Does Canada Offer ISOs? Canada is suffering from a labour shortage. A Business Development Bank of Canada study reveals that 39 percent of […]

How to Negotiate Salary as a Newcomer

WES Ambassador Tunde Omotoye started his career as a Human Resources Associate in Nigeria. He certainly understood how the hiring process worked! However, he needed to learn an entirely new process when he immigrated to Canada. (You can read his success story here.)  One of the biggest challenges is learning how to negotiate salary. Below, […]

Workplace Presentation Skills for Immigrants

If you have just moved to a new country and found a job—congratulations! Now, you are probably concerned with making a good impression. This is where your presentation skills will become important. Good presentation skills can work like camouflage, making it seem like you have a strong understanding of office culture, even if you are […]

Launch a Career in the Canadian Mining Industry

The mining industry has historically provided a wealth of jobs across Canada. You might think that working in this industry involves heaving a pickaxe in a dark mineshaft, but fortunately, this is an outdated stereotype. The sector is rich with a diverse range of jobs and opportunities. In fact, more than a few skill sets […]

Definition of Mentorship: What Is a Mentor and Do You Need One?

Yetunde Oshinkale is a WES Ambassador who immigrated to the United States from Nigeria. She is now a teaching assistant at Capella University. She received her current position thanks to guidance from a professional mentor who understood her goals. In this blog, she shares some of the advice she learned about how to choose a […]

5 Tips: Choosing a Health Care Bridging Program in Canada

To work in Canada as a licensed health provider, individuals are required to pass a licensing exam. Unfortunately, even if you have already worked as a physician or health care provider in another country, you will still need a new licence to practise in Canada. But there is good news: You do not have to […]